The Power of Small Sparks
Approaching Sanity
© Robin Easton - All Rights Reserved
The Fire That Feeds the Soul
Sometimes a small spark ignites within us, inviting us to change the course of our lives, compelling us to move in directions that barely seem possible or even real to us. These sparks of light can feel so distant and intangible, like a dream beyond our reach.
We can even feel downright-crazy at just the thought of acting upon our sparks of inspirations.
Sometimes we try to ignore the spark. It might flare to full-flame and threaten our steady, safe lives. But like a tiny pilot-light in a gas stove, the spark never extinguishes. It forever burns at the back of our consciousness, occasionally flaring brighter, striving for our attention.
Some of us are drawn to the light. We can't resist secretly exploring its pulsing spark. And yet, even as we ponder the light's possibilities we sometimes find ourselves reciting a litany of excuses, "Oh, I couldn't do that. I don't have the money. I don't have the talent, the time, the 'right to'. What would everyone think of me? I'm foolish to even consider it. How would I achieve it? What if I fail? What if it's a mistake? What if I’m insane? What if I'm all alone? What if I die? What if.....
.....I allow my natural unfolding?"
None of us really want to remain stuck in our growth, preventing the flow of our most powerful unfolding. To remain stuck can leave us with brewing-frustration and anger at both ourselves and others.
We despair over unlived dreams. We despair in the absence of being able to test ourselves through real-life, firsthand experiences, experiences that allow us to trip and fall and pick ourselves up, again and again, without shame or judgment, experiences that allow us to get messy and really discover what we are made of and who we really are, experiences that allow for the juicy sweetness of Life.
Sometimes we need to gather our courage, trust blindly....or not at all, but STILL take great leaps of faith, venture forth into the Unknown.
We must allow ourselves to be irresistibly drawn to the sparks that ignite brilliant dreams and unbridled genius. It's who we are....
(c) Robin Easton