Photo Gallery
Come on in and look around.
“Go, go, my friend, step outdoors. Kick off confining shoes, feel blessed Earth breathe beneath your bare feet. Set your soul free among trees and grass and tiny flowers. Fling your arms wide, twirl your spirit into night-black sky with millions of twinkling stars and tender moon. Oh, dear soul, do not merely be in Nature. Be with Nature…become Nature…intimately, fully, with all of your wild senses and forbidden longings. Let go, forget yourself, and remember who you are, who you have always been.”
*Click a thumbnail below to visit a gallery. Enjoy!
“Nature is a fundamental part of who we are, so absolute that we are Nature itself, along with every other thing in the Cosmos. We are so beautifully hardwired with Nature-Code that although we might forget our connection to Nature, it is never lost. It eagerly awaits our awakening kiss. We may live in separation-thinking, however we can never physically separate from Nature, not even in death. This lovingly entwined relationship allows us to simply look at a beautiful Nature photo for forty seconds or more, and our brains are positively altered and our moods lightened. Time spent with Nature, sparks our ancient body memory and we begin to realign with Nature’s eons old, all-knowing DNA. With this, we remember our place with the rest of life on planet Earth. We remember our origins.”
— © Robin Easton