Water Dreaming
Mysterious Me
“The emotions of your soul beg to flow like the great rivers of Mother Earth. Emotions and rivers have one purpose, to always return Home to the sea. The next time your soul begs to cry, remember that your tears want to carry you Home. ”
Water Dreaming — Through all my years photographing and being with water, swimming with water, canoeing with water, smelling it through the seasons, watching it flow, ripple and freeze, and listening to it speak...I lost my soul to water. I've come to know it as a teacher, a living, aware entity unto itself, one that feels and responds to me and its environment, just as I feel and respond to it. Water is a Living Intelligence.
I've fallen madly in love with water's fluid caress over fallen leaves, and its playful ripples over colorful pebbles, and its passionate crash upon huge boulders. Water joins earth and sky, a love affair like no other. Water is so in love with earth, it forever reaches out bringing earth unto itself with reflections of autumn's yellow leaves, deep green pine, and ghost-white aspen...so many moods. It yearns for sky so intensely that it opens itself to infinite blue, milky-white clouds, and gently falling rain.
As I sit in cold, mountain streams, Intelligence awakens and eagerly rises up to meet itself. The Living Water in my body recognizes this other Watery Self. Hungrily it aligns with the water flowing around me. More than half my body is comprised of water. I am creek, river, sea and rain.
Questions arise and ancient memories awaken. How much water has flowed through this one single body? How far did it travel to reach my lips? Is it truly from millennia ago, now inside me? As I awaken, I become the water I see through my camera lens. Water gently swirling past my bare legs speaks to the water flowing through my veins. Water speaking to water. Can you hear the conversation?
In each fluid moment I am transformed. I know this Being of Water…and how it feels, not only to me, but unto Itself. Like some otherworldly dream, I have heard the sweet whispers and seen the intimate love affair that Water shares with Earth and Sky…and me. In the presence of such Ancient Wisdom, I willingly let go and enter this passionate, watery embrace. Love, Robin.
© Robin Easton