Frozen Art 2
Ice map of a mythical world
“When we enter into relationship with nature with open hearts and curious minds, we begin to change. Our spirits lighten, uplift, and open to the living world around us. With each step through the forest, city-park, or along the beach, with each breath of air, each sight and smell…we heal. In fact, we heal and change so effortlessly that we sometimes forget that we were ever anything other than vibrant, peaceful, nature-filled life. With time, we are not the same person who first went to meet nature. We become all that we feel, smell, hear, taste, touch, and love in nature. We become all that loves us. Our entire physiology is forever changed. We begin to once again see and experience the world with wild eyes and wild senses. We see that we are eternally part of nature and not apart from nature. We understand that we are never alone.”
Some scientists now believe that water has memory, and as it freezes, it can create an image of an object near the water or that has touched the water.