Vulnerability: A State of Grace
© Robin Easton - All Rights Reserved
In the presence of grace
When we judge, stifle, shame, or try to ‘correct’ another person’s vulnerability, we sever one of the most ancient pathways to healing.
When we deny such a powerful connection, one that can potentially nourish us, we isolate ourselves and others. We starve our yearning souls.
Allowing others to be vulnerable requires that we ourselves be vulnerable. This does not mean that we have to expose wounds to those who would stab them or create new wounds.
Sometimes in honoring our vulnerability we need to realize that we are highly sensitive souls who must remove ourselves from painful situations. Yet, we can reveal ourselves to those with soft, tender hearts.
Vulnerability is a natural, inherent state of being, a cornerstone to authentic, openhearted connections. These connections are rarely made with the “mind”, nor with tidy concepts and reason. Nor are they made with attempts to enlighten each other, or to be seen as wise and spiritual.
These vulnerable connections are infinitely simple. They are made by opening the heart and just “being with”. They are made by being open to imperfections, fears, idiosyncrasies, shame, fluctuations in emotions and decisions, and seeing these vulnerable feelings as a State of Grace. They are made by opening to the humanity in you and me. Vulnerability opens the way for Soul-to-Soul communication.
‘Mind’ and reason often violate sacred vulnerability. The only thing that meets vulnerability without desecration is love, both self-love and love of other.
Can we cherish the intrinsic healing power in people who choose to be vulnerable, people who are willing to be uncomfortable just to feel the truth of who they are?
Somewhere deep inside we long to reveal our beautiful hearts, hearts that might be marred by dark pain, grievous mistakes, hidden shame, and fear. Nonetheless, we are starved for connection, whether we realize it or not. Without connection something within us withers.
People who decide to be vulnerable are natural leaders because vulnerability leads the way. It opens new doors for those who yearn to follow but have been held back by fear or shame.
No matter what is happening in our lives, whether clear or confused, healthy or sick, strong or weak, light or dark, proud or shameful---vulnerability is essential for deep wisdom, sustained beauty and grace, essential for unlimited creativity and thrilling vitality.
Allowing vulnerability is one of the greatest acts of compassion and love that we can give both ourselves and another human being.
Being able to sit with vulnerability is a reflection of our highest intelligence. It is a fundamental part of who we are. It speaks directly to our ability to communicate and commune with all facets of Life.
We can love the vulnerable places in ourselves and others, and not with the intent to heal or enlighten these places. Although we might do that at some point, these soulful places are already beautiful and whole, just as they are. They hold essential wisdom that is fundamental to who we already are.
Wholeness is the very nature of vulnerability. There is no need to change it, fix it, analyze it, or enlighten it. In fact, in most cases, intervention only disturbs the natural flow of this highly intelligent force. This vulnerable opening is already sacred and pure, a flow that in and of itself IS the healing. This ancient, primal force is hardwired into us. It inherently knows what it’s doing. It is, a force like the natural flow of water, a river of emotion already headed back to the sea, something it has done for thousands of years. We need relax, only let go, open the dam and let the river flow. Although, at first it might feel frightening, our yearning hearts hunger to feel our own inherent, healing beauty.
Vulnerability is not a weakness. It is an essential core strength. It takes immense courage to be emotionally naked. There is no pretense, no veils, no bullshit, only the piercingly exposed Soul of Life.
Being vulnerable opens the way to healing-emotions, deep wisdom, profound connection, and most of all...Love.
When we allow ourselves and others to be vulnerable, we remember who we REALLY are. We embrace intimate and sacred wisdom, an ancient, common knowing. We touch the Divine.
(c) Robin Easton