You’re The Wisest Souls I know
Specifically You
© Robin Easton - All Rights Reserved
NOTE: It is a humbling honor to be interviewed by Canvas Rebel magazine. The following is an excerpt from that interview. Thank you, CR.
CANVAS REBEL: Any insights you can share with us about how you built up your social media presence?
ROBIN: When I first started blogging and joined social media sites, I was noticed by many ‘personal development’ bloggers. I admired many of these people and got to know some personally. I also related to some of what they shared. However, after a time, I felt that something about the ‘personal development’ way of thinking felt out of alignment with who I am. I repeatedly was told, “Robin, don’t be so personal,” which I found odd, considering it is called “personal’ development. I heard statements like, “Don’t reveal too much about your own life. Just write in more general terms.” Or, “Don’t put too much of yourself out there. You never know who you’re dealing with. The world is full of crazy people.” Or, “People don’t want to know about your personal struggles or journey.” Or, “You need to appear very professional and keep a professional distance.” I had no idea what that meant or why I should do that. I only knew that statements like that made me cringe inside. It was not my path.
After the first couple of years of listening to my fellow bloggers, other entrepreneurs, my literary agent, and my publisher tell me to “keep it impersonal”…I was fed up. I felt I was losing the very core of who I am. In my heart, I knew there was something more. I also knew that my writing voice did not reflect my soul. Although my blog posts were accepted by my readers, my writing felt forced, as if I was trying to be something that was not me. If being “professional” meant being impersonal, always polite, and never rocking the boat…I had no interest in being professional.
I was ready for a drastic change; yet, I wasn’t sure what that might look like or how to carry it out. First, I had to redefine what it means “to be professional.” I turned to Nature for reflection and truth. One day while hiking along Little Tesuque Creek in Santa Fe, NM, I asked myself what is this “professional stuff?” Is writing, blogging, and social media even about professionalism? Could I just be myself? Just as I am?”
Suddenly, the word “honest” passed through my mind, and then more words came to me, words like “Real, Soul, Connection, Empathy, Compassion, and even Love.” Feeling this truth flood into me brought tears to my eyes, and there alone in the woods, I felt a profoundly benevolent connection to my fellow humans. I fell in love with Humanity. In the face of this love, “professionalism” felt very shallow and irrelevant.
As I sat by the creek and listened to the happy gurgle of water over rocks, a question floated through my mind, “Do you dare just be yourself, more exposed? Do you dare connect with your readers in a real way, as friends, connect sympathetically with them as fellow human beings, people with challenges, worries, mistakes, imperfections, secrets, joys, and even love to give….people like you?”
I must state here that up to this point, my business and my readership were not “building” on my blog or social media. Then one day, shortly after my creek visit, I was asked to be interviewed by an Australian woman who has a very large readership. Her questions were simple and could have been answered impersonally with facts and knowledge, but–for the first time in my life–I chose to answer each question from my heart and soul…without deviation. I was shaking as I sent my responses to her interview questions.
A few days later, she shared my interview on Facebook. With much trepidation, I shared the same interview on my own Facebook page. At that point, I had only a few hundred Facebook friends and a handful of blog subscribers. However, within a day or two I jumped from a few hundred to thousands of Facebook friend requests, more than I could possibly add, as well as hundreds and hundreds of blog subscribers. I was stunned and I went from shaking in my boots (from fear of being myself), to completely realizing the need for truth and honesty in the world. I felt set free, empowered, and very much in my right place. I had arrived Home.
In a matter of days, my readership completely changed…all of its own accord. I moved from the ‘personal development’ arena to a very earthy, spiritual, gutsy, courageous, honest group of stunningly wise souls, people who live with their hearts wide open. They are an eclectic group of artists, counselors, writers, musicians, dancers, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, war vets, manic depressives, ex-drug addicts, ex-hookers, doctors, lawyers, divorced, single, married, the homeless, the dying, the desperately trying to live, the lost, the found, all religions, sexes, colors, and countries. They are all Humans…just being…as best they know how. And, I love them. They have my deepest respect and love. I’ve known many of these people for two decades or more, and some are ‘brand new’ but feel known…as if all my life.
NOTE: To my endless wonder, I am blessed with “Soul Friends,” like You, here on my blog and on Facebook. Yes, you personally, are my teacher in the same way that nature teaches me. Both You and Nature encourage me to fully be myself. I am grateful far your wisdom, courage, and stunning vulnerability. You have my deepest respect. Love, Roby
Since I tend not to like the words, “readers or followers,” as they feel too impersonal and removed from me and our real living connection. Besides, I now fully honor that there is nothing impersonal about me. These people befriended me in very real, life-changing ways. I am deeply honored to call these beautiful souls, “My Soul Friends.” Daily they encourage me to write with my most honest and brave voice. And they share wisdom that leaves me in awe….and forever changed.
From this experience, I learned to use my authentic voice. Each day I stretch both my own and the culture’s limits. I grow more courageous, more openly loving, and honest. Today, I take many risks. When I find myself asking, “Is this too honest, too raw, too exposed, too real, and “Should I even write this, share this?” I now know that is exactly the thing I MUST write and share. I also know it is exactly what someone in the world is yearning to hear.
I tear up saying this; although many people tell me the world is full of crazy, insane people, and although this might be true, I now know that the world is full of the most remarkable, loving, creative, free-thinking, and brilliant people, so much that I never cease to be stunned by the courage and beauty of Humanity.
For now, my ever-growing definition of “being professional” means acting with courage, honesty, integrity, and compassion…in as many ways as possible. I no longer think in terms of “business.” I think in terms of what I might lovingly offer a world that cries out like a child in the dark of night. How might I humbly soothe, inspire, and love?
CANVAS REBEL: For you, what’s the most rewarding aspect of being a creative?
ROBIN: As an author, inspirational speaker, and performing musician, connecting with my fellow humans in an authentic and very real way is the most rewarding aspect of my work. Living in a country where I have the opportunity to openly share my thoughts, feelings, and experiences is an honor, one I am aware of every time I sit down to write, and every time I read my Soul Friends’ beautiful responses to my posts.
I usually feel that I receive far more from my readers than I give. My relationship with these souls is a very active and deeply personal relationship. Maybe, I am living ‘personal development,’ a highly personal and intimate development…as opposed to writing about it. Together, my Soul Friends and I have been through illnesses, deaths, births, traumas, accomplishments, joys, and more. My Soul Friends are remarkable human beings who are real people with real lives…people who inspire me. My life is richer for knowing them.
NOTE: You can read the full interview here >>
Meet Robin Easton
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